PTSA Clothing Drive
- What
- PTSA Clothing Drive
- When
- 9/12/2020, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
We are collecting: New & Gently Used Clothing (Men’s, Women’s & Children’s), Shoes, Belts, Handbags, Bedding, & Linens.
Help support our school by donating items; we will receive money for every pound we donate. This fundraiser will support the 2020/21 school year. This event is open to all families at EWMS & the surrounding community. Please place all items in tightly closed trash bags.
Donations will be accepted Saturday, September 12, from 9am-12:00pm. We will be collecting in the roundabout driveway off of Catalina Ave.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. For more information please contact Angela Martinez 562.233.2277